Large Animal Services
We offer a number of services both in-house and on the farm to keep your horses and livestock happy and healthy!
For questions regarding more
details and pricing, please give us a call.

Mobile Imaging
Our cutting-edge mobile X-ray and ultrasound units provide our veterinarians with high-quality images that allow them to visualize internal structures in great detail both in the clinic and on the farm. This aids our doctors in diagnosing ailments quickly and with greater accuracy! Some areas we often ultrasound include tendons and joints, lungs, masses and reproductive tracts. We frequently use our mobile X-ray unit to visualize components of the skeletal system including limbs and vertebrae.

Livestock Reproduction
Here at OVC, the doctors take pride in assisting our clients with their livestock reproductive needs! We offer an array of breeding management services, as well as pregnancy checking via ultrasound or palpation. We know that things don't always go as planned, and our veterinarians along with their assistants provide both elective and emergent ambulatory C-sections when the need arises.

We provide a wide variety of surgical services to our cattle, sheep, and goat patients. Some of these procedures include cosmetic and non-cosmetic dehorning, entropion repairs, hernia repairs, displaced abomasum surgery, C-sections, exploratory laparotomies, and more. Many of these can even be performed right on the farm without the need to trailer the animal to us!

Equine Services
At Orchard Veterinary Care, our team is knowledgeable and experienced in a variety of equine services and procedures. For our equine patients, we provide preventative wellness services such as yearly vaccines, and bloodwork. Dr. Becker provides dentistry services and can perform maintenance teeth floating as well as some other dental procedures. We are also available for emergent services such as lameness exams, colic cases, laceration repairs. and more!